Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Day 30 Notes

Day started in the rain and ended in the rain 139Km over the Lindis pass. It was a testing day for been on the bike, but I think I have come out on top still a happy camper.  Not many photos as the camera is not exactly water proof. The Lindis pass was a little harder than I expected may be because I did the Crown Range yesterday, having said that it was a good ride even in the wet. I think SH8 should be renamed Porche allay as I was passed by so many Porches what up with that.  There is not much between Cromwell and Omarama in fact it is only Tarras, and at Tarras with its Garage, and three shops including a cafĂ© include has best Caramel slice I have had on my trip to date. Go Tarras you rock.  I pushed on to just outside Twizel, to the High County Samon farm for the night. Weather looking a little better for tomorrow for another climb up to Mt cook village. 

See GPS data here
Leaving Cromwell, wet wet wet.

Yes I have been Tarras.

For the best Carmel slice to date.

Googie a a 46Km  climb, well no its only a 9km climb just so side roads until then.

A Break from the rain.

Clearing the rocks. 5 min wait, good chat with the guy from FH.

Into the hills again.

Another day another pass. This was was harder than I was expecting.

Look at the downhill that awaits. 

The camp for the night.

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